I advise you to watch for signs to tell you that your pet is not happy or comfortable anymore, or that their quality of life has changed. Options in medical care and your ability to provide for their daily care should also be reviewed. The bond that you have with your pet is so strong, and I trust that you will know when the time is near. I will give my blessing for euthanasia if I feel that it is in the best interest for both you and your pet. If you are feeling uncertain about the decision, I can refer you to a local caring veterinarian who can discuss palliative care options to improve quality of life (such as pain control). I am solely a euthanasia service, but desire to have your pet properly cared for before my service is needed.
The decision to say goodbye is not something you must do on your own, and I encourage you to speak to supportive vets, family, and friends about your situation. Please also see grief resources.
“Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.”
I recommend for you to make a ‘joy list’ of three things that your pet enjoys doing. This list can act as a guide to allow you to acknowledge any changes you are seeing. If your pet stops one of them, you are getting close. If your pet stops two, you need to do something. I would then encourage you to talk with your regular vet or family about these noticeable changes, and get in contact with me to discuss your current situation. Try not to accept this new ‘normal,’ and hope your pet doesn’t worsen even more. A Quality of Life Scale may also be useful. Most scales involve mobility, nutrition, hydration, interaction and attitude, elimination, and favourite things.
A handful of owners are fortunate enough to have a sixth sense about this, but many do not. If an animal’s suffering cannot be managed, 'good death' (euthanasia) can be our greatest gift. After euthanasia, owners often say that they have waited too long, rather than saying they made the decision too early. You may also wonder why your pet doesn't just pass peacefully in the night. Yes, this would be an ideal situation, but there is no guarantee that their last moments are peaceful. If you are hoping that they pass in their sleep, I do believe the time has come to consider euthanasia. Choosing to euthanize helps ensure that death will come quickly and that the end of life is as pain free and as comfortable as possible. Once you have made the decision to end your pet's suffering, think about the actual process. The exercise of visualizing your pet gently passing away (surrounded by love) may be helpful.
These points are important to consider so the day will be calm for you and your pet:
Where would you like the 'final goodbye' to be ... envision the place in your home and the time of day
Who would you like to be present (everyone is welcome, but no one is made to stay)
The dignified aftercare for your beloved pet (home burial or cremation)
How will you and your family grieve, and memorialize your pet
I am here to help you with all of these decisions, so please contact me today.
“It is our responsibility to provide for our animals, both in life and death”